The Value of an Independent Agent

We don’t represent just one company.

We find the policy from whichever company will work best for you.

Pacific Insurance Brokerage agents are independent agents. We don’t represent just one company. We have many companies available which allows us to find excellent value for you. We have long established relationships with about a dozen highly rated carriers.

Benefits and price vary from company to company. So does appetite for certain risks. Some companies are better at insuring people with common issues, such as elevated blood pressure or cholesterol. Others are better at covering more complex risks, such as a history of diabetes, cancer or heart disease.

Most companies have great rates for people in excellent health. If that is you we can secure you a great rate from a preferred carrier.

Ask us to compare and contrast more than one company and product for you. You will make a more informed decision and be glad you placed your business with an independent broker – Pacific Insurance Brokerage, LLC.

An active senior pensioner couple hiking in nature, holding hands.

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